The Daily Program
Early Birds Morning Care
This program offers peace of mind for parents who are looking for a safe place for their children before school starts each morning. Billed monthly.
Toddler Early Care also available. Enrolled toddlers (ages 18 months up to age 3) do not need to be toilet trained.
Toddler “Stepping Stones” Program is offered Two, Three or Five days a week (*Do not need to be toilet-trained)
- 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM/12:30PM- 3:30PM/ 9:00 AM-2:00PM
Primary Half/Full Day Program (3 -5 Years) (*All students need to be toilet trained and fully independent in the bathroom)
- 8:45 AM- 11:45 AM Monday-Friday Half Day Program
- 8:45AM- 2:15 PM Monday-Friday Full Day Program
Kindergarten/Elementary Full Day Program (5-8 Years)
- 8:45 AM – 2:15 PM
After Care Enrichment Programs
Offered Monday- Thursday until 3:15 pm, Activities such as Cooking, Yoga, Science Club, Sports Skills, Chess and Drama are offered at an additional fee to Preschool and Kindergarten age children enrolled in the school.
Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten and Elementary students enjoy a daily special class in art, music, gardening, yoga, Phys ed or Spanish. Weather permitting, all classes take advantage of outdoor recreation on our beautiful playground. Students are provided a snack daily and Kindergarten, Full day Preschool and lower elementary students eat lunch in school as well. Field trips are regularly offered to local farms, museums and theaters.
Most of the class time is spent in individual and small-group work. This uninterrupted period allows the individual and the class to develop a work cycle. Children work independently and purposely. They are free to move where their interests and abilities take them, thus developing their own sense of pace and rhythm. Teachers offer guidance and support while initiating activities and responding to the children’s individual abilities and interests. The daily schedule may also include collecting gatherings for discussions, music, stories, games, celebrations, group lessons and guest visits.
The Kindergarten program brings students into the abstract level of learning. Class time offers opportunity for more special projects, field trips, community service and daily literature and writing-based lessons in preparation for first grade. Kindergarten students enjoy the unique experience of being leaders in their 3-6 classroom.
As students progress to the Lower Elementary level, they continue to benefit from the tenets of a Montessori education: individualized learning, independence, critical thinking, logical and sequential progression of learning through history integrating all other areas of learning, enrichment and further integration through the arts and, of course, the signature characteristics of a Montessori environment, respectful classrooms. Students across all levels of our Montessori school are nurtured and encouraged to work to their best ability with individual curiosity and motivation fostered daily.